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This website is owned and managed by Compassion Calderdale, a local supporter group for Compassion in World Farming. Compassion in World Farming is not accountable for the content of this website, or the actions of the group


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Free range birds

Hi Hayley

The farm shop at Keelham sells free range chickens, they are typically double the cost.
They are not going "cheep"

Monday, January 16, 2012

Compassion Calderdale: Our first year

Happy New Year everyone!
As well as being a great learning curve we’ve achieved a lot for our first year in action. As many of you know I put an article in the courier to attract members and the year kicked off with an introductory gathering in February, closely followed by letter-writing in March. Our first fundraising event came in April when we held our ‘Change for Change’ collection in Leeds train station. Despite this date being a very quiet Sunday we managed to hand out plenty leaflets and raised £125 for the campaign to bring about an end to barren battery cages.
In June we held a fundraising and information stall at Halifax Gala. A massive thank you to members that donated their time, tombola prizes, baking efforts and chicken suit! The day was a massive success and we raised £212 pounds after the stall fee was deducted.
July saw me giving a presentation to The Halifax Scientific Society (HSS). Thank you to Steve Blacksmith, Linda Kingsnorth and the rest of the group for allowing me to come and share this with them and for the donation they made to Compassion in World Farming. I would also like to thank Bruce Hoyle (HSS member) for setting the ball rolling with THIS BLOG!
After the success of the Fundraising and information stand in Halifax I was eager to secure a stall at a similar event. We had a place booked at Clifton Rangers First Annual Summer Fete in Brighouse but unfortunately the fete didn’t go ahead. 
The year ended on a positive note with a dress down day and tombola at Cathryn Tyas' work place. It is great to know that more people have been introduced to the charity and that an extra £83 pounds has been added to the pot! If anyone thinks that they too could hold such an event at their work I can help you get together tombola prizes, leaflets and anything else you might need.
To ensure that we reach as many people as possible this year I’m getting together a telephone contacts list. If any of you know people that would like to be added to this list or the email list please get in touch either at or on 07506723392. I will gladly ring people back if they do not want to ring a mobile.

Here's to another excellent year!!

Thanks, Hayley

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I am currently getting together this years events and look forward to sharing it with you soon!